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2017.300.30 Jay Friedman.pdf

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Jay Friedman, served as an Operations Officer in Mali, Gabon, and Nigeria. A former Peace Corps Volunteer, Jay came to the Smallpox program by responding to an advertisement in the Peace Corps bulletin looking for people "who had lived in Africa, who could speak French, and who could fix a car." Jay speaks of his work assisting medical officers in investigating outbreaks and managing the logistics of the eradication effort, using Ped-O-Jets, the structure of the national Endemic Disease Service in countries where he worked, tracking Malian nomads, doing surveillance in Gabon, and finally life in Kano, Nigeria. Jay went on to do smallpox eradication in Nepal, and joined the Expanded Programme on Immunization in the Phillipines before returning to work for the next 25 years at CDC in Reproductive Health and Indian Health Services.


Drew, Diane (Interviewer); CDC; Nurse and Friedman, Jay (Interviewee); CDC; Operations Officer, “FRIEDMAN, JAY,” The Global Health Chronicles, accessed October 22, 2024,